Saturday 16 November 2013


This coming from a woman whose age was in dispute about 11years ago and all she could do is hide under some privacy ishh. I get it, she likes being controversial...she thrives on it and as a republican she will do anything to rubbish democrats and ofcos now that they have a not just black but African descendant president. "I'm a Christian first and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it." Yes we get it..but if u wanna rubbish the Democrats especially Obamacare as we know ur never subtle go ahead, but bringing Nigeria and Nigerians into it is just below the belt. I won't dispute some facts- yes we have scammers, kidnappers, fraud experts etc but hey show me one country who doesn't or how ur country is different in anyway. Taking more immigrants than UK as a basis of your argument doesn't even make any statistical sense if you compare the population of both countries in question. "Nigeria, for example, leads the world in criminal enterprises. Every level of Nigerian society is criminal, with the smart ones running Internet scams, the mid-range ones running car theft rings, and the stupid ones engaging in piracy and kidnapping. At the University of Lagos, you can major in credit card fraud. " Even Senator Ted Cuz had to apologise but we know you've got guts and nothing to loose so we really don't demand an apology from you. I'll just subtly remind you of some facts like : Bernard Madoff and his billions of dolllar Ponzi scheme- American, Ku Klux Klan - White American Christians, 300 years of Slave trade and inhumane treatment of blacks who eventually contributed to the agric and industrial revolution which we all enjoy now while Africa was set back all those years and making it pretty difficult to catch up, erm did Bush find anything in Iraq? But we know those who got rich off it @ the expense of innocent lives, is Snowden Nigerian? , same country where people like Martin Luther King, Malcom X and even Tupac were assassinated and yet their killers are nowhere to be found meanwhile according to Chris Rock 'Saddam was found in a hole..far far away', and maybe you should read more about very successful Africans especially Nigerians on forbes or even . We haven't even mentioned the wonderful Nigerian doctors, scientist, financial analyst, and even in can check with Cornell University since ur an alumnus I know a few very gud Nigerian professors and phd holders in major departments. Crime is not exclusive to Nigeria, while we try to be a better nation we will appreciate if we are encouraged by the west (govt and people) and ofcos when you highlight our negatives don't forget our numerous positives too. Damola Layade

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